News From the Inhabited World
Prose IV
Edited by Kai U. Jürgens
ca. 360pp
I shall perhaps tell you something of the rain, I shall invent a huge rainfall, a rain that flows down thick and black from above, or I shall tell of the snow I invent, I shall invent a monstrous snowfall, I shall invent a house which slowly disappears in the mounting snow, or I shall invent a quite different story, one day, on a Thursday, in December. - Stories about being at a loss for words in the Alps and at the edge of the Atlantic Ocean, about conditions in Schlitz and the power of song in Nevada, about the laughter of sailors and the temporary abolition of difficulties.- In short: Stories about meteorological confusions, circumstances of lack of air, tight gloves and a schnitzel eaten in peace and quiet. But that was nothing compared to what happened later. (Ror Wolf)
The collection contains News from the Inhabited World (1991) as well as the expanded edition of Two or Three Years Later (2003/2007)
The editor
Kai U. Jürgens, born 1966, studied literature and in 1999 completed his doctoral thesis on Ror Wolf. He has since written on contemporary themes in literature, film, art and music and works for publishing houses, daily newspapers and radio stations. He has a wide-ranging commitment to the work of Ror Wolf and is one of the initiators of the website www.wirklichkeitsfabrik.de. He lives in Kiel.